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Monday, May 9, 2011

The Secret Revealed

So today I will give you my secret to making a living on the internet.  Listen, if I can do this, anyone can.  Even if you have no experience.

Look.  In today's economy, everyone needs to make a few extra bucks and if you are trying to do it online, you need all the help you can get.  I am here to provide you with that help.  Why?  'Cause I like helping people.?  Well yes, but I am not completely altruistic.  The truth is, if I can help you make money on the net, I make money.  Simple enough.  So how do you do it?  Easy.  Follow these steps.

1.  You may be a member of PayPal, but if you are involved in anything that pays you on multiple levels, they will not accept payments for that kind of deal.  So you need to be a member of AlertPay.  It is easy and free to join and you can SIGN UP HERE.  Go ahead.  I will wait for your here.

So every is trying to make a buck.  If you have been around for a while, you have seen all of the Traffic Exchanges out there.  Everybody is trying to pitch their wares and the only thing they are interest in seeing on your page is how to get more traffic to theirs.  So, that is what you sell them.  Traffic!

2.  I told you the other day that I have opened my own Traffic exchange.  It is called Web Traffic Booster.  I actually pay the highest commissions of any traffic exchange and I pay 10 levels deep.  Pro members get the highest commissions and it doesn't cost very much.  After a person has been a paid member for two months, I even send them two pieces of software FREE that automate a lot of what you will do everyday.  SIGN UP NOW!

3.  The next one is Surf to Earn.  Great name huh?  They pay 9 levels down and have a great rating.  They only pay once a month but boy-oh-boy that can really add up.  You can sign up HERE.

4.  Traffic Swarm costs a little more but they pay well and on time.  Some people are getting paid daily.  Pro members get a really great ratio of hits per click.  I have been a pro member here for about two years and I love it.  DO THIS.

5.  This next one is owned by my good friend Laura Osborne.  She is a sweetie and she never lets you feel alone in this business.  She has top rate support.  She also has great daily and weekly deals to get your hits up. Her site name says it all.  High-Hits.  Do yourself  a big favor and SIGN UP.

6.  This one is called Million Leads for Free.  It is not a traffic exchange, but, I am sure glad I joined.  The way it works is:  You click on 10 of their headlines every day and your headline goes out to 5000 a day.  Most of the headlines go to an ad.  If you are upgraded (cheap) your headline links right to your page.  How cool is that?  GO HERE.

7.  Last, but not least we have Major League Hits.  Of course, upgraded members get the perks.  Do it now. SIGN HERE.

So right about now you are thinking, "How is this going to make me any money?".  This is the easy part.  When you signed up to all of the above, you received a referral link from each one.  So what you do is this:  Copy a referral link from one exchange into your ad on another exchange.  Do this all around.  You will get sign ups and make money.

Thanks for reading.


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